Implementation Details

The section of the documentation is an overview of the internal design and implementation of MDF. It should not be necessary to read or understand this section in order to use MDF.

Building MDF

Use of Cython

Cython is used extensively throughout MDF. It is used in such a way, however, that it’s still possible to call MDF code without compiling it to allow easier debugging of the MDF internals.

All of the implementation code is in plain .py files with additional type information given using cython.declare() for local variables and .pxd files for class and module attribute type information. The modules are compiled into separate extensions, and type information is shared between the compilation units via the .pxd files.

There is significant overhead calling a Python function compared with calling a C function. Even when Cythoned methods are Cythoned using the cpdef keyword so they can be called both from Python or from C there is still additional overhead when the method is called compared with calling a plain C function. This is why the Cythoned classed have some cdef private methods with corresponding cpdef public methods. Internally the cdef methods should always be called unless it’s expected that the method may be overridden by a Python subclass.

Whenever making changes to MDF the code must be profiled before and after as what look like small changes can drastically change the performance due to the number of times some of the internal functions and methods get called.

Compiling MDF

Building MDF requires Cython version 0.16 or later to be installed.

As with any Cythoned package it also requires a distutils compatible C compiler (e.g. Visual Studio 2008 for Windows or GCC for linux).

MDF can be compiled in-place to allow you to test changes and use your local check out of MDF in the usual Python way using

python build_ext --inplace

Or to build the egg:

python bdist_egg

Current setuptools and Cython (0.16) doesn’t pick up changes to .pxd files correctly when determining dependencies, and so changes to .pxd files won’t trigger a recompilation of all affected object files. If this happens the easiest work around is to simply delete the generated .c files that will be in the same folder as their corresponding .py files.

Running/Debugging Non-Cythoned MDF

To be able to import the MDF modules without first compiling you need to have Cython installed. Cython is not required to import the modules after compilation.

There are various places where it has not been possible to have the pure-python version of the code identical to the Cythonized code. These cases are clearly commented, and in order to use MDF without compiling it you need to first un-comment these bits of code.

Follow the instructions in the comments regarding Cython in the following files:


Although you will be able to use MDF in its uncompiled state for debugging its internals you will find it will be orders of magnitude slower than the compiled version.

Debugging the Compiled Cython Code

In there is a module variable cdebug. Set this to True to enable the compiler and linker flags to build debug versions of the extensions. This only sets the Visual Studio debug flags, and for GCC you should change them to whatever flags you required (usually -g is sufficient).

Once you have rebuilt the extensions with the debug flags set you can now attach a debugger to a running python instance in order to debug the cythoned MDF functions.

Profiling MDF

MDF includes its own counters and timers for profiling code run using MDF. This should be used to identify hotspots in user code. See MDFContext.ppstats().

If necessary further profiling can be done using cPython. A visual profiler such as RunSnakeRun or kCacheGrind can be useful for understanding the cProfiler output. kCacheGrind provides more detail than RunSnakeRun but requires the cProfile output to be converted to a calltree using the pyprof2calltree pacakge.

Profiling MDF Internals

cProfile can also be used to profile the MDF internal Cythoned functions and methods. In there is a module variable cython_profile. Set this to True to enable profiling of Cythoned code.

Once you have rebuilt the extensions with the profile flag set you can now use cProfile to profile an application using MDF with the time spent in Cythoned functions included.

The addition of the profiling code to every Cythoned function adds significant overhead as many of the functions have been optimised to be very lightweight and may be inlined by the compiler. Adding the profiling code bloats these functions and distorts the running time significantly and it can therefore be very hard to determine accurate timings and hotspots using this method.

It is better to use a non-invasive statistical profiler such as Intel VTune or Sleepy (see ‘Very Sleepy’ for Windows). To profile MDF with one of these profilers you will need to build MDF with debug symbols using the cdebug setting in For more accurate profiling you may want to build with compiler optimisations as well as debug symbols, in which case remove /Od from the compiler flags.

Profiling with a statistical profiler requires a little more knowledge and intuition about how the Python code is translated to C by Cython. The Cython code is annotated with the original Python code which makes this much easier, and browsing the code around the functions of interest before looking at the profiling results will make understanding the results of the profiling simpler. This is by far the best way to get a proper feel for where time is being spent inside MDF though and it is worth persevering.

Source Code Overview contains (almost) everything to do with MDFContext. It also includes a class MDFNodeBase from while MDFNode is derived. It’s done this way with the node base class in so that the context code can call C methods on the cythoned MDFNode objects without having to cimport nodes.pxd as that would result in a circular dependency. defines the following classes:

and the public API functions: defines the following classes:

  • MDFNode
  • MDFVarNode
  • MDFEvalNode
  • MDFTimeNode
  • MDFIterator
  • MDFIteratorFactory
  • MDFIteratorFactory
  • MDFCallable

and the public API functions:

These classes are almost always only used internally. The API functions return instances of the node classes and so it’s almost never necessary to refer to any of these classes outside of MDF.

NodeState is the per context state associated with a particular node. This isn’t exposed outside of the Cythoned code and for external use. If it’s referenced at all should be considered an opaque type (hence not appearing in the API reference).

cqueue is an implementation of a double ended queue, like collections.deque. Although it’s a queue it’s specialised to represent a stack efficiently. Underlying it is a normal python list, and as items are pushed on it grows as it runs out of space. It keeps an index to the start and end of the queue and so popping items off either end simply means moving these indexes.

Because the items aren’t reshuffled popping items off the left and adding to the right would result in more and more memory being allocated, but constantly pushing and popping the right is much faster than a deque, which is what this container is used for.

This could probably be improved by writing it in plain C rather than using a Python list, but at the time of writing it was sufficiently faster than collections.deque for what it’s being used for that it wasn’t optimised further. is where the nodetype() decorator is defined, and also all the various classes that are necessary for implementing more general node types derived from MDFEvalNode:

  • MDFCustomNode
  • MDFCustomNodeIterator
  • MDFCustomNodeIteratorFactory
  • MDFCustomNodeMethod
  • MDFCustomNodeDecorator

MDFCustomNode is derived from MDFEvalNode and is constructed with an additional function, iterator or generator that converts the result of the evalnode to whatever the specific nodetype should return.

MDFCustomNodeDecorator is what’s returned by the nodetype() decorator, which is itself a decorator. It converts whatever function (or generator or iterator class) it decorates into a node type decorator.

All the built-in node type decorators use the nodetype() and subclasses of MDFIterator to achieve the various different calculations.

MDFCustomNodeMethod is what’s used to add the methods to all MDFEvalNode instances (see nodetype_method_syntax). It’s a callable object that when called creates or fetches a previously created node. The returned node is the node it was called on wrapped with a node type. is where the various functions for running an MDF graph over time and extracting values, including parallel computation of scenarios. implements the MDFContext.to_dot() method. This uses pydot and Graphviz to render the graph as an image in a variety of different formats ( .dot, .svg, .png, e.t.c.).

Parsing code for use by the magic ipython functions and also for parsing Python code to find the left hand side of node assignments for defaulting node names, e.g.:

a_var_node = varnode()

The parser looks at the callstack and parses the line of source code to get "a_var_node" to use as the name for this node.

All the pickling code for contexts and nodes is separated out from the main files, and is implemented as functions in this file. These functions are imported from and and called from the various __reduce__ methods on the associated classes.

builders sub-package

The builders sub-package is where all the provided callable objects intended to be used with run() are.

io sub-package

The methods and MDFContext.load() are implemented in this sub-package. The serialisation is done via pickling in, but this sub-package can also read and write compressed files.

pylab sub-package

The pylab sub-package is where all the various magic ipython function are. This should only be imported for interactive use not from scripts as it depends on IPython.

regression sub-package

Regression testing is done by evaluating nodes in two different processes started from different virtualenvs. The code in this package manages starting the processes in the correct virtualenvs and collecting the values of the nodes over time in both child processes.

The data collection is done by a specialized builder, DataFrameDiffer, but other differ could be written by subclassing Differ.

The interprocess communication is done using Pyro and the proxy objects from the remote sub-package.

remote sub-package

remote contains code shared between the various parallel processing components of MDF for creating subprocesses and the Pryo server and objects used for interprocess communication.

It also contains custom Pyro serialisation functions that autmatically compress data larger than a certain size on the fly using bz2.

tests sub-package

Unit tests.

Node Evaluation

Nodes only have values in a context, so it makes sense that to get a nodes value it’s evaluated by starting with the context. Indexing into the context with a node (see MDFContext.__getitem__()) calls MDFContext.get_value(), which is a public API method. This calls an internal C method MDFContext._get_node_value() which is where the work is actually done.

Once inside a node evaluation to avoid passing the current context around to every node call to allow the nodes to evaluate other nodes, there’s the notion of a currently active context. The currently active context is stored in a dictionary that maps thread id to the MDFContext (_current_contexts in See also _get_current_context().


Although it’s common to talk about one node being dependent on another, actually the dependencies are between a node in a context and another node in a context. The contexts need not be the same as one node can call another node in another context (when shifting, for example).

Dependency tracking is facilitated by MDFContext._get_node_value() keeping track of the current node being evaluated (and the context it’s being evaluated in). These are kept in a stack (actually it’s a queue - but conceptually it’s a stack) so to find the node that’s calling the current node being evaluated it just needs to look at the last item in the stack. Before dropping into the node evaluation itself the current node and context are pushed onto the stack.

All dependencies are discovered at runtime by observing which nodes call other nodes. This can either be directly, or a node may call a function that then calls other nodes. Before anything is evaluated MDF knows nothing about the dependencies between nodes.

Each context has its own node evaluation stack and so to find the node and context calling the current node and context the stack belonging to the previous context is examined. A restriction is that the same context can’t be used from different threads concurrently, but different contexts can be used in different threads because the current context is effectively a per thread variable (although it’s in a dict rather than TLS).

Once discovering what the calling node and context is (if any), the current node is pushed onto the current context’s node evaluation stack and MDFNodeBase.get_value() is called to retrieve or calculate the node value in the context. After the node has been evaluated the node is popped off the evaluation stack and a dependency is established between the previous node and context and the current node and context by calling MDFNodeBase._add_dependency().

As the dependencies are context dependent the relationships are stored on the NodeState object associated with the node and context pair.

MDFNodeBase._add_dependency() is written such that re-calling it for the same node and context is fast, and so it’s called everytime MDFContext._get_node_value() is called regardless of whether the dependency has been discovered previously or not.

Node evaluation

As mentioned above the entry point for evaluating a node is MDFContext.__getitem__() or MDFContext.get_value(), which in turn calls the internal C method MDFContext._get_node_value(). This ultimately calls MDFNodeBase.get_value(), which each derived node class implements.


varnodes are the simplest type of node. Getting their value just involves looking to see if the NodeState has a value for the current context and return that. If there is no value in the NodeState the default value for the node is returned if there is one, or an exception is raised.


Eval nodes wrap a function, generator or MDFIterator. To get their value the wrapped function is called and the result is cached on the NodeState for the context the node is being evaluated in.

Once a node has been evaluated once it is marked as not needing to be re-evaluated. If the node is evaluated again the previous result is returned as long as none of the dependencies of the node have changed.

Dirty flags

Whether the node needs evaluating or not is determined by the dirty_flags on the NodeState object for the node in each context. When the node is evaluated these flags are cleared to indicate the node isn’t dirty and the previously cached value can be used. When any node is changed the MDFNode.set_dirty() method is called which marks the node as dirty and then marks all the nodes calling this node as dirty if they are not already flagged dirty. The dirty flags propagate all the way through the graph for all nodes and context pairs that depend on the node in the context being dirtied.

Generators and iterators

If an evalnode wraps a generator or iterator then it is advanced each time the context’s date (now()) is advanced.

The dirty flags mentioned previously are a bit field. One of these bits is reserverd for updates to time (now()). When the time changes all nodes that are dependent on now() have the DIRTY_FLAGS.TIME bit in their dirty flags set. In addition, any generators or iterators not dependent on now() also have the DIRTY_FLAGS.TIME bit in their dirty flags set (as well as any dependent nodes, as explained in the previous section).

When the evalnode is evaluated and only the DIRTY_FLAGS.TIME bit is set then, if the node is a generator or iterator, instead of completely re-evaluating the node the previously instantiated iterator is advanced. The iterator is stored on the NodeState for the node and context.

Because generators and iterators need to be advanced on every timestep, regardless of whether their value is actually used on any particular timestep, MDFContext.set_data() evaluates all of them after marking them as dirty (just with the DIRTY_FLAGS.TIME bit). Other nodes could get the value of an iterator node once and then not look at the value for a number of timesteps; this would cause problems as the iterator wouldn’t have been steped through the intermediate timesteps and so would have the wrong value, and so evaluating them in the MDFContext.set_date() prevents that problem from occurring.

Shifted contexts

Shifted contexts are created by shifting any other context (i.e. shifted or non-shifted) via the MDFContext.shift() method.

Shift operations are commutative and associative, i.e:

# commutative
ctx.shift({a: x}).shift({b: y}) == ctx.shift({b: y}).shift({a: x})

# associative
ctx.shift({a: x, b: y}).shift({c: z}) == ctx.shift({a: x}).shift({b: y, c: z})

Shifted contexts are all stored in a flat structure on the root context. Shifted contexts have a parent context, but that parent is always the root context. This flat structure is what facilitates the commutative and associative properties of the shift operation. There is a method MDFContext.is_shift_of() to determine if one context is a shift of another. This is determined by looking at the intersection of the two contexts’ shift sets rather than having an explicit hierachy of contexts.

Each shifted context is keyed by its shift_set, which is the dictionary of nodes to their values in the shifted context. Any shift resulting in the same net shift set returns the same shifted context.

Node evaluation in shifted contexts

When evaluating nodes in a shifted context the naive approach would be to just evaluate that node and all its dependencies in that shifted context. This however would cause problems where varnodes are set in the root context (or other shifted contexts that the context the node is being evaluated in is itself a shift of), because the value wouldn’t be available in the shifted context. It would also be inefficient as nodes would potentially be evaluated multiple times when they are needed in different contexts, even if the value in each case would be the same because the node doesn’t depend on some or all of the shifted nodes.

For these reasons there is the concept of the alt context. The alt context is a property of a node and a context, and is the least shifted context the node can be evaluated in that will have the same result as if it were evaluted in the orignal context.

For example:

a = varnode()
b = varnode()

def foo():
    return a()

ctx = MDFContext()
shifted_a = ctx.shift({a : 1})
shifted_b = shifted_a.shift({b : 2})

shifted_b[foo] == shifted_a[foo]

Here evaluating foo in a context where b is shifted has no effect, but shifting a does because foo depends on a. Therefore the alt context for shifted_b[foo] is shifted_a.

Even if the context shifted_a hadn’t been explicitly created as above the alt context would still be that context, i.e. a context with shift set {a : 1}.

Determining the alt context

For varnodes getting the alt context from a shifted context is simple. If the shift set of the shifted context includes the varnode then the alt context is the parent (root) context shifted by the varnode and the shift value. All other shifts are irrelevant for the varnode and so are ignored when getting the alt context.

Evalnodes are a bit tricker as they have to be evaluated once before the dependencies are known. The first time round they are evaluated in the context they’re called in. Before setting the value of the node in the NodeState however the dependencies are analysed and the least shifted context (alt context) is determined by checking the dependencies of all the called nodes and the shift set of the original context. All the dependencies and state of the node in the original context is transfered to the newly discovered alt context.

Once the alt context for a node and context has been determined it’s cached in the NodeState. If a dependency changes then that cached value is cleared and it will be re-determined the next time it’s needed. If a node has conditional dependencies (i.e. new dependencies are discovered after the initial evaluation) that can cause the alt context to change, and this causes an an exception to be raised. Allowing the alt context to change part way through an evaluation would be danergous as there could be accumulated state in the original alt context that wouldn’t be consistent in the new alt context.

Node Types

Other node types (e.g. queuenode(), ffillnode()) are built on top of MDFEvalNode. The basic concept is that a nodetype does the job of a normal evalnode but then calls a second function on the result of that to transform it in some way.

The second function that does that transformation is referred to as the node type function and the inner function that gets evaluated to provide the input to the node type function is the node function.

Here’s an exampple of a very simple custom node type that will help illustrate how node types work:

def node_type_function(value):
    return value * 2

def node_function():
    return x

When evaluating the node node_function the order of execution is to first call the python function node_function and then to pass the result of that to the python function node_type_function. The result of node_type_function becomes the value of the node node_function.

To understand how this works it helps to talk about what types are used and what the result of these decorators is.

nodetype returns an instance of a MDFCustomNodeDecorator. This instance keeps a reference to the decorated function. It’s a callable object and its call method works as a decorator.

So, the decorated node_type_function is an instance of MDFCustomNodeDecorator. When used as a decorator as @node_type_function on another function it returns an instance of MDFCustomNode. This MDFCustomNode is a subclass of MDFEvalNode as is instantiated with the node function and keeps a reference to the node type function. MDFCustomNode differs from MDFEvalNode by calling its node type function after doing the normal evaluation of the node function. The result of this is what gets returned as the final value of the node.

Things get a little more complicated when adding arguments to the node type, for example:

def node_type_function_2(value, multipler):
    return value * multiplier

def node_function_2():
    return x

To pass the arguments from the node instantiation (when @node_type_function_2 is called with node_function_2) to the node type function node_type_function_2 the args have to be stored by the MDFCustomNode instance. This is exactly what happens, and when the custom node is evaluated it calls the node type function with these stored arguments.

If any of the arguments are nodes they automatically get evaluated before being passed to the node type function. Occasionally it is necessary to pass nodes in as arguments. MDFCustomNode checks a class property node_kwargs and doesn’t automatically evaluate any args in that list. By subclassing MDFCustomNode this can be set for specific node types.

Generators and iterators

Node type functions may also be a generator or iterator (MDFIterator). If they are then the first time the node type function is called it will be called with the node function results and all the arguments from when the node of that type was created (e.g. muliplier in the example from the previous section).

next() is then called to get the initial value. Subsequent values are obtained by advancing the iterator sending in the new node function result by the send() method of the generator or MDFIterator instance.

For this to work correctly the node function that is used to initialize the base class MDFEvalNode depends on whether the node type function or the node function is a generator or not. If either of them are then the function called by the underlying MDFEvalNode code must return an iterator that will work in the same way as if the final node was a generator. This is done using another class, MDFIteratorFactory. This is another callable that when called returns a MDFIterator, which the underlying MDFEvalNode code understands and treats like a generator.

Method syntax for node types

When a node type is registered using the nodetype() decorator a method name can be specified. This automatically adds two new methods to MDFNode (and any existing instances) - one that returns a node of the node type and one that returns the value of a node of that node type.

Both methods work in exactly the same way. A new MDFCustomNode instance is constructed with the node type function and using the node the method is called on as the node function. If the same method is called again with the same arguments on the same node then it returns the node constructed previously.

It works by creating the new methods when the nodetype() decorator is called. The methods are actually instances of MDFCustomNodeMethod which is yet another callable class. Calling that creates the new node or fetches it if it was created already.

The new instances of MDFCustomNodeMethod are added to MDFNode._additional_attrs_, which is checked in MDFNode.__getattr__ allowing for new attributes to be added dynamically to the cythoned class.

Class nodes

Nodes can be declared as properties of classes as well as modules. These nodes may take a single argument, which will be the class the node is being called on. If they take no arguments they behave the same way as a normal node.

Class nodes have to be aware of the class they’re defined on and the class they’re bound to (accessed from). Consider the following:

class A(object):

    def foo(cls):
        return "Declared in A, called on %s" % cls.__name__

class B(A):

    def foo(cls):
        return "Overridden in B (%s)" % super(B, cls).foo()

In one sense this code just declares two nodes, and That’s a slight simplication of what’s actually going on though; if there were only two then super(B, cls).foo() would have to evaluate which would return Declared in A, called on A. So, there are actually threee [1] nodes,, and

What the code above declares are unbound nodes. That is, nodes that have no knowledge of the classes they belong to. When they are accessed from the class (i.e. accesses foo from A) they are then bound to the class at that point. Binding creates a new node that includes everything from the original unbound node definition and information about the class the new node is bound to.

MDFEvalNode is a descriptor and so the process of binding nodes to a class is done by MDFEvalNode.__get__(). This is called whenever a node is accessed as a property of a class. All evalnodes have a dictionary of classes to bound versions of themselves. When accessing a node multiple times on the same class the same bound node is returned each time. If no bound node exists for the unbound node and class then a new node is created.

To bind the node to a class the function that it references must also be bound (to create a staticmethod or classmethod) and the new node is created using that bound method. As keyword arguments to the node may also reference unbound functions or nodes those too need to be bound. MDFEvalNode._bind() handles binding any additional functions or nodes and may be overridden by any subclasses requiring additional objects to also be bound. The helper method MDFEvalNode._bind_function is used to create bound versions of individual functions, methods and other callable object types.

[1]More accurately there are three bound nodes and two unbound nodes, but the unbound nodes aren’t accessible outside of the class definition.